When it is cold in here ( in the bus), run the motor for a while. 当车内太冷的时候,让发动机转一会儿。
This works, trust me, sometimes I'm cold and just run for the shower. 想信我,这办法很有用,有时我起床感觉很冷,就马上跑去冲凉。
A cold engine needs a richer mixture to run satisfactorily. 冷发动机需要较浓的混合气,才能可靠地运转。
Animals would die of cold and thirst, food supplies would soon run out and most of the human survivors would starve or freeze to death. 动物将会死于寒冷和干渴,食物供应会很快耗尽,大部分人类幸存者将会饿死或冻死。
A hotel offered brunch for the newly legalized couples who started getting licenses just after midnight this morning. The groom get cold feet just before the wedding and run off. 他们于今早晨午夜之后陆续拿到结婚证,并成为合法新婚夫妇,一家宾馆也为他们提供了早午餐。就在婚礼开始之前,新郎退缩,溜走了。
He was cold and hungry after a week on the run so he gave himself up to the police. 他上路潜逃一个星期后饥寒交迫,只得向警方自首了。
If there is a cold winter, he expects the next bull run to take oil to$ 80. 如果今冬天气寒冷,他预计下一轮牛市将把油价带到80美元。
Whether it was that she was getting close to home or just because her cold had run its course, she was clearly better. 不知是由于离家越来越近了,还是感冒好了,斯努皮的精神明显好多了。
An autosomal recessive form of muscular dystrophy characterized by progressive muscular weakness beginning either in the shoulder or pelvic girdle. The groom get cold feet just before the wedding and run off. 一种常染色体退缩形式的肌营养不良。就在婚礼开始之前,新郎退缩,溜走了。
Since then there have been some fourteen runners who left their lives on the cold slabs of the narrow streets of the run. 自此之后,已经有四个把性命留在路跑狭窄街道的冷冰冰厚板上的路跑者了。
In Series Cold Ink, water run slowly from up to down and melting process motivated it. 在《冷墨系列》当中,有趣的是,水就是“自上而下”慢慢流动的,这是通过“冰解”的过程来实施与完成的。
Solar energy development goal clear, focused, measures capable, be helpful for has overcome the cold, heat and run malpractice, ensure long-term development of the cause of solar energy; 太阳能发展目标明确,重点突出,措施得力,有利于克服以往忽冷忽热、过热过急的弊端,保证太阳能事业的长期发展;
In the end, it was a ham dinner and a remote-controlled net that brought a golden retriever named Sam in from the cold after two years on the run. 最后一顿火腿晚餐和一只遥控的大网,将在逃两年的金毛猎犬擒在寒冷的野外。
Research on the Choice of Air-conditioning System's Cold and Heat Source and the Union Run of Ventilation and Air Conditioning 空调系统冷热源的选择及通风空调联合运行的研究
Her hands were cold and shaky when she began to redden her lips and run a comb through her hair. 当她开始涂口红和梳理头发时,她的双手冰冷发抖。
Don't wait for the bus in this cold weather; I'll get the car and run you across to your office. 这么冷的天气不要等公共汽车了,我把车开来送你去办公室。
It's too cold in winter to run outside. (inwinter)冬天里出外跑步是太冷了。
Through the reason analysis of E-61-11 in cold bin of hypothermia often leak during run, suggest the corresponding game at operation and servicing. 通过对低温冷储设施低温液化气外输加热器(E-61-11)在投用、运行过程中多次发生内漏的原因分析,提出了在操作、维护过程中相应的对策。
Second, economic power and ideology were the major competition fields between Socialism and Capitalism in the cold war period, and will still be the case in the long run. 第二,经济实力与意识形态的较量是冷战期间社会主义与资本主义两个阵营对抗的主要方面,也将是社会主义与资本主义长期斗争的焦点。
In order to meet the variation of market demand on different diesel in northern cold area, a single stage hydrofining-hydrodewaxing in series process was developed. It has been applied to produce premium low freezing point diesel fuel from inferior diesel and straight run wax bearing oil. 根据北方寒冷地区市场对柴油牌号需求变化大的特点,研究开发了加氢精制-临氢降凝一段串联工艺,用于处理劣质柴油和直馏含蜡馏分油制取优质低凝点柴油。
Based on a turboshaft engine test data gathered during cold run, a method of calculating engine resistant torque and torque for acceleration was introduced. 依据某型涡轴发动机冷运转试验数据,给出了发动机阻力矩和净力矩的计算方法。
The RNA was extracted with the improved cold phenol method from rat atria. Several examinations, including ultraviolet spectrophotometric examination and electrophoresis, run in denatured agarose gel and molecular hybridization for RNA samples showed that RNA preparations had satisfactory purity and undegradation. 用改良的冷酚法从大鼠心房中提取总RNA,经紫外分光光谱、变性琼脂糖凝胶电泳及分子杂交放射自显影检测表明,RNA制备物纯度高、未降解。
So shipping cold store system is required to run with kilter, especially reefer. 因此船舶冷库运行要求越来越高,特别是冷藏运输船。